Wed, Aug 10
|Deadline to express INTEREST
Sea Base High Adventure INTEREST
Time & Location
Aug 10, 2022, 10:00 PM
Deadline to express INTEREST
About the Event
Troop 97 has been selected for two Crews to participate in the 2023 Florida Sea Base SCUBA Adventure, August 9 to August 15, 2023! We have begun the Crew selection and planning for this once in a lifetime experience! If you are interested in participating, immediate action is required.
REQUIRED: Even if you had previously expressed interest in Sea Base, you must fill out the sign up form to officially declare your interest. Responses are due no later than August 10th, 2022.
It is important to note that this trip consists of 11 dives, using SCUBA equipment. All participants must be certified to SCUBA dive (PADI, NAUI). The certification training will be coordinated by the adult ASMs attending the trip.
The approximate, total cost for this trip is $3,200 (less if you are already SCUBA certified). Once the final crews are assigned, additional details will be provided. A deposit of $150 will be due immediately at that time.
Minimum Age Requirement: Sea Base participants must be 13 years of age by the date of their arrival.
Participants must be in good health evidenced by the BSA Annual Health and Medical Record (no other form is acceptable) filled out and signed by their doctor within the past 12 months.
Every participant should meet BSA Height and Weight Guidelines. Due to restrictions on safety and rescue equipment, no persons weighing more than 295lbs. are allowed to participate, regardless of height.
All participants must know and use the Scout Oath and Law as their guide to appropriate behavior at Sea Base.
SCUBA Specific Requirements
- A special scuba medical waiver is required for scuba program participants. A history of asthma, diabetes, seizure, narcolepsy, heart disease, lung disease or injury, or use of specific types of medication including some psychotropic drugs (medications for ADD, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Panic, etc.) and other health concerns may disqualify a participant from scuba diving. All scuba program participants must be cleared by the Sea Base Medical Director to participate. CLICK HERE for more information regarding the Sea Base Risk Advisory and BSA Scuba Policy.
- To participate in Scuba Adventure or Scuba Live Aboard programs, persons must be certified as a diver by a WRSTC agency recognized by the Boy Scouts of America.
This is an amazing event, with memories that will last a lifetime. However, there is very limited space and if more eligible Scouts wish to sign up for the trip than we can take we will apply the following criteria to determine priority of acceptance:
1.) Demonstrate Scout Spirit. Scouts who are active in the troop will have priority over those who are not active. “Active” is generally defined as having participated in at least 50% of troop meetings, activities, backpacks, hikes, service projects and campouts during the past year.
2.) Rank advancement.
3.) BSA Swimmer Level Proficient.
4.) Scouts who have earned any of the following merit badges: Scuba, Lifesaving, or Swimming
5.) Some preference will be given to older Scouts because younger scouts will presumably have other opportunities for high adventure before they complete their scouting careers.
5.) Adult Participants: Limited to 4 adults who are active (as defined for Scouts) will have priority. Adults must be registered with BSA as adult leaders and have completed BSA required leader training. Two of the four adults will need to complete Wilderness First Aid and CPR as required by Sea Base.