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A Note from the Committee Chair

At our recent Spring Court of Honor, Troop 97 was able to not only award the many earned awards, ranks and merit badges to our scouts, but to also recognize the adults who make our troop function so well.

This recognition includes both our boys and girls troops. 97G started 18 months ago, just as the pandemic was starting, and despite all the adversity, has not only continued to run a great program but has also grown its membership. If you know of girls interested in our program, please have them join in! Contact me for more details. We have had a number of boys join us this spring as well - please continue to recruit among your scout's friends!

We are in need of more adult help in our troop. As many know from other youth activities (sports, school/PTA, cheer, etc), it takes dedicated volunteers to support youth programs, or they can't happen. Some of our most successful scouts, especially families with multiple scouts in our programs, have had one or both parents involved as volunteers. It helps the scouts - it helps you better understand our program - it helps the unit go. Many of our dedicated volunteers are moving on as their sons age out. Please consider getting more involved with Troop 97, your scouts will appreciate it and we need you!

For those that enjoy the outdoor experience and helping our scouts become the best they can be, and would enjoy being a direct contact leader, please speak to Jim Olson or Doris Sanchez about becoming an ASM.

We are in need of help on the troop 97 committee. Our committee serves both troops. Roles are small (or big) and can be done in many cases with a minimal commitment of your time. Help includes being on monthly Boards of Review (not even every month, but when it's good for you) - helping with hospitality, taking pictures, fundraising, helping w/travel arrangements/booking of facilities, tracking training, merit badge counseling, swag/swap box, assisting w/collecting fees/medicals, helping with advancement - really, we can find a role for you tailored to what you can offer/are interested in. As I plan on stepping down from my role sometime around the end of 2021 after about 8 years as a Troop 97 leader, we will also need to transition to a new committee chair. It is a rewarding experience and all training is provided!

Thank you again for all you do for the scouts and adults of Troop 97! We have a busy summer ahead and a brighter road map with restrictions lifting and a sense of normalcy back in the mix. Take care - Brian Colton - Committee Chair, Troop 97 - - 845-608-4792

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