On Saturday, November 16, 2024, Elkin Frank sat for his Final Eagle Board and was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout! He was escorted by Mr. Gonzalez.
Elkin spoke about volunteer work he did at the Clarkstown Family Resource Center, which shaped his decision in doing his project for them. He led his work crews in building double-rung clothing racks in order to organize and display items in their clothing donation center. He also built cubbies for additional organization of items, and updated the room. The goal of the project was to provide more of a shopping experience for families utilizing their resources, keeping in mind the dignity of the shoppers. Elkin reflected on his growth throughout the process, as he dealt with things that didn't always go according to his plan. He kept the Eagle Board in suspense while describing the issues that he faced during the 1st workday. Elkin reflected on his time spent as a Den Chief in his brother’s den. He described feeling connected to the younger scouts because he had similar experiences as a Cub himself. He remembers speaking to them if he saw them getting bored, and tried to make it as fun as possible for them.
When speaking to the Eagle Board, Elkin showed a lot of gratitude for the people who've helped him throughout the years (His Den Leaders, Eagle coach, his parents,) to achieve the Eagle rank. He lists his favorite merit badge as Theater, and says that Cooking is the most relatable because you have to manage your time and be creative in solving problems. Elkin has fond memories of the Boulder Game campouts, as it was always something that was done as a family. His favorite trip with the Troop was Mt. Cardigan, as he got to do it as a younger scout at the lodge and an older scout up at High Cabin. He remembered looking up for the flares when he was younger.
Elkins advice for new scouts is to stick with it, it’s a process that takes commitment. He will be pursuing musical theater and is venturing into college and his future with confidence. Elkin says his Scouting experiences have taught him how to handle life’s twists and turns. He has had fun in scouting and encourages everyone to remember make sure they do the same.
Please join me in congratulating Elkin for achieving this milestone!
Mr. Poholsky
Scoutmaster Troop 97
New City, NY