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An Eagle Has Landed: Evan Roth


On Saturday, November 16, 2024, Evan Roth sat for his Final Eagle Board and was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout!  He was escorted by Mr. Gonzalez.

Evan spoke about his project at Twin Ponds Park. He led scouts and leaders in building and installing 2 benches and a garbage receptacle. The crew measured and dug holes to secure the items, and installed a sign telling about the fish and wildlife of the pond. The members of the Eagle Board appreciated how he took control of his project, and his focus and determination during its execution. They also liked how Evan linked his project to fishing as that is something that he enjoys doing. Evan reflected on his time spent in leadership roles. He recalled how being a Patrol Leader was challenging because he was a young leader in a mostly older patrol. He talked about how being ASPL was a rewarding experience because he was working with a good group of friends, and got to have fun and hold scouts accountable for their part in the program.

The Board was impressed with his answers and with the openness he spoke with. They  liked how much he enjoyed being outdoors, the scouting program, the hikes, camping, backpacking, and high adventure trips. He lists Sea Base as his most enjoyable trip. Evan Also described how fulfilling the Scouting experience can be, teaching you about life and how to handle when things don’t go your way. His Scout Spirit taught him to always have an open mind especially in times like those. 

Evan lists the most important point of the Scout Law as Trustworthy. His advice to a new scout is to have fun and be respectful of adults and older scouts. He recalls his most fun moments as being with friends, just being silly and laughing. 

Please join me in congratulating Evan for achieving this milestone!

Mr. Poholsky

Scoutmaster Troop 97

New City, NY

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