We will be collecting toiletries and new clothes to help the residents of the Evergreen Court Home For Adults in Spring Valley who were victims of a devastating fire on March 23. Scouts can bring the items at the next Troop meeting (4/21). If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Gonzalez (regonzalez@gmail.com).
This is the list of items that are in most need:
Tampons / Pads
Shampoo / Conditioner
Toilet Paper
Unscented Deodorant
Nail Clippers, Nail Files
Tissues (kleenex)
Q-Tips, Cotton Balls
Paper Towels
Wet Wipes (alcohol-free)
Disposable Washcloths
Hand / Body Lotion
Lip Balm
Disposable Razors
Hair Combs
Hand Soap or Body Wash / Soap
Large Ziplock Bags